Simulations and Exercises

Business Continuity is fundamentally concerned with managing risks to ensure that at all times an organisation can continue operating.


For an organisation to have an effective Crisis Management capability in which they and their stakeholders can have confidence, regular simulations and exercises are essential.  For Keystone Resilience, conducting crisis management exercises is one of the most stimulating and rewarding aspects of our business because it proves and improves the efficacy of the Business Continuity and Crisis Management planning.

The Value of Crisis Management Exercising

  • It most closely resembles reality and the way that people learn
  • It makes participants’ roles real in a way that a strategy document or plan cannot
  • It identifies weaknesses and gets the ‘buy in’ for correcting them
  • It tests communications channels and processes in a way that doesn’t happen otherwise

Keystone Approach

Keystone Resilience consultants have extensive experience in designing and running crisis management exercises and provide these as part of an integrated crisis management service package or as a standalone exercise to customers that require assistance to test their own plans and procedures. 

Crisis Management
Business Continuity Management
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